Busways Limited operates a service to and from school. Infants children (Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2) are entitled to free travel if desired. Children in Years 3 to 6 only receive free bus travel if they live outside the 1.6km circle radius surrounding the school or have to walk more than 2.3km (by the shortest walking route) within this circle. Primary children (years3-6) who live on the Mount Penang side of the Pacific Highway may receive free bus travel if written representation is made to the Department of Transport requesting free travel because of safety reasons etc. application forms are available from the Office.
Bus Code of Conduct (PDF 84KB).
The Road Traffic Authority recommends that children under the age of tem years (10 years) not to have access to the public road system for riding their bikes. The school strongly supports this recommendation.
Before a student is permitted to ride a bike to school, they must be issued with a 'licence'. To gain a licence, the student must be 10 years of age, have parental permission to ride, wear a helmet whilst riding, have a roadworthy bike and answer questions to establish that they have the knowledge and skill to ride safely. The 'licence' may be withdrawn at any time in case of unsafe riding.
Bike access is via the paths to Langford Drive. Children must walk their bike on entering and leaving the school grounds. Provision is made for the storing of bikes during the day, although no responsibility for theft or damage can be borne by the school. All students storing bikes need to have a padlocked chain to ensure their bikes cannot be moved by anyone but themselves. Students living within reasonable walking distance should not bring bikes to school.
Kariong PS Bicycle Policy (PDF 745KB)
There are three pedestrian access points to the school - Langford Drive, Truscott Avenue and Foster Close. Due to the limited parking in these streets, dangerous situations can easily arise. We are concerned for you child's safety. Therefore, parents collecting children in cars are encouraged to use the nearest access point and escort children back to your (legally parked) car. Please note bus bay parking restrictions in Langford Drive. Please do not park in any driveway or staff car park. In the interests of safety, parents and children are also asked not to use car park entrances or driveways as pedestrian exit points.