General school policies
Student Welfare policies
Student Wellbeing and Discipline policy
Bicycle/Scooter Policy
Students may wish to ride their bicycle or scooter to and from school if they live some distance away.
In the interests of student safety, the school has implemented a policy whereby the student must be at least 10 years old and hold a licence issued by the school before they can ride to school.
To obtain a licence the parent needs to complete and sign the application below and return it to school. The student will then be quizzed on they knowledge of the road and safety rules and their bike/scooter and helmet inspected for usability and safety.
Bicycle / Scooter Policy (PDF 745KB).
Mobile Phone Policy
Students are not encouraged to bring mobile phones to school. We do understand that in some circumstances that children require them for safety reasons when travelling to and from school, for this reason we have developed the mobile phone policy below. We ask that all parents and student read this policy before bringing mobile phones to school.